Certified BodyTalk, PaRama BodyTalk, HelioSol, Reiki Master, Tuning Forks Practitioner

You Can Heal Your Life
This book gives penetrating insights into Louise's fascinating personal story; and shows how her views on self-esteem, abundance and the metaphysical causes behind physical ailments were developed. It also reveals how she applied these concepts to her own emotional, spiritual, and professional life. "What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us. I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst. Every thought we think is creating our future. Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings. The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences" (Louise L Hay)
Radical Remission
In her bestseller, , Dr. Kelly A. Turner, founder of the Radical Remission Project, uncovers nine factors that can lead to a spontaneous remission from cancer--even after conventional medicine has failed.While getting her Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkley, Dr. Turner, a researcher, lecturer, and counselor in integrative oncology, was shocked to discover that no one was studying episodes of radical (or unexpected) remission--when people recover against all odds without the help of conventional medicine, or after conventional medicine has failed. She was so fascinated by this kind of remission that she embarked on a ten month trip around the world, traveling to ten different countries to interview fifty holistic healers and twenty radical remission cancer survivors about their healing practices and techniques. Her research continued by interviewing over 100 Radical Remission survivors and studying over 1000 of these cases. Her evidence presents nine common themes that she believes may help even terminal patients turn their lives around.
Through the research of Dr Lipton and other leading edge scientists, stunning new discoveries have been made about the interaction between your mind and body and the processes by which cells receive information. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology, that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our thoughts. Using simple language, illustrations, humour, and everyday examples, he demonstrates how the new science of Epigenetics is revolutionising our understanding of the link between mind and matter and the profound effects it has on our personal lives and the collective life of our species.
In this essential guide to health and wellness, Segal unveils the secrets to understanding the messages of the body and reveals the underlying energetic causes of over 200 symptoms and medical conditions.
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - How to lose your mind and create a new one
You are not doomed by your genes and hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of your life. A new science is emerging that empowers all human beings to create the reality they choose. In Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, renowned author, speaker, researcher, and chiropractor Dr. Joe Dispenza combines the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology, and genetics to show you what is truly possible. Not only will you be given the necessary knowledge to change any aspect of yourself, but you will be taught the step-by-step tools to apply what you learn in order to make measurable changes in any area of your life. Dr. Joe demystifies ancient understandings and bridges the gap between science and spirituality. Through his powerful workshops and lectures, thousands of people in 24 different countries have used these principles to change from the inside out. Once you break the habit of being yourself and truly change your mind, your life will never be the same!
The Emotion Code - How to Release your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health, Love and Happiness
A renowned holistic physician and lecturer skillfully lays bare the inner workings of the subconscious mind to reveal how emotionally charged events from the past can become "trapped emotions"--emotional energies that literally inhabit ones body. Dr. Nelson explains clearly and concisely how trapped emotions can create pain, malfunction, and eventual disease--and ways of ridding oneself of that baggage.
What the Bleep Do We Know?
Discovering the Endless Possibilities for Altering Your Everyday Reality
Also available as a movie on DVD or livestream from www.whatthebleep.com
The sequel "What the Bleep - Down the Rabbit Hole" is also available
This book compels readers to ask themselves Great Questions that will recreate their lives as they know them. With the help of fourteen leading quantum physicists, scientists and spiritual thinkers, this book guides readers on a course from the scientific to the spiritual, and from the universal to the deeply personal. Along the way, it asks such questions as: Are we seeing the world as it really is? What are thoughts made of? What is the relationship between our thoughts and our world? Are we biologically addicted to certain emotions? How can I create my day every day? What the Bleep answers this question and others through an innovative, new approach to self help.
Why do we feel the way we feel? How do our thoughts and emotions affect our health? Are our bodies and minds distinct from each other or do they function together as part of an interconnected system? In MOLECULES OF EMOTION, neuroscientist Candace Pert provides startling and decisive answers to these long-debated questions, establishing the biomolecular basis for our emotions and explaining these new scientific developments in a clear and accessible way. Her pioneering research on how the chemicals inside us form a dynamic information network, linking mind and body, is not only provocative, it is revolutionary. In her groundbreaking book, Candace Pert offers a new scientific understanding of the power of our minds and our feelings to affect our health and well-being.
Dying to be Me - My journey from cancer, to near death, to true healing
In this truly inspirational memoir, Anita Moorjani relates how, after fighting cancer for almost four years, her body -overwhelmed by the malignant cells spreading throughout her system - began shutting down. As her organs failed, she entered into an extraordinary near-death experience where she realised her inherent worth ...and the actual cause of her disease. Upon regaining consciousness, Anita found that her condition had improved so rapidly that she could be released from the hospital within weeks ...without a trace of cancer in her body! Within these pages, Anita recounts stories of her childhood in Hong Kong, her challenge to establish her career and find true love, as well as how she eventually ended up in that hospital bed where she defied all medical knowledge. In Dying to Be Me, Anita freely shares all she has learned about illness, healing, fear, 'being love,' and the true magnificence of each and every human being!
You Are The Placebo - making your mind matter
Is it possible to heal by thought alone--without drugs or surgery? The truth is that it happens more often than you might expect. In "You Are the Placebo, "Dr. Joe Dispenza shares numerous documented cases of those who reversed cancer, heart disease, depression, crippling arthritis, and even the tremors of Parkinson's disease by believing in a placebo. Similarly, Dr. Joe tells of how others have gotten sick and even died the victims of a hex or voodoo curse--or after being misdiagnosed with a fatal illness. Belief can be so strong that pharmaceutical companies use double- and triple-blind randomized studies to try to exclude the power of the mind over the body when evaluating new drugs. Dr. Joe does more than simply explore the history and the physiology of the placebo effect. He asks the question: "Is it possible to teach the principles of the placebo, and without relying on any external substance, produce the same internal changes in a person's health and ultimately in his or her life?"
The BodyTalk System
An explanation of the BodyTalk System by the creator John Veltheim.